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Ren Toxx

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    Sniper. Occasional boa constrictor.

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  1. The only thing I really miss, and vaguely at that, is the sense of discovery, of learning. Sure, SL keeps evolving, but if you keep abreast of the changes, there’s inevitably less of a learning path. That’s what I say to many new players who complain about the learning curve: “careful what you wish”. Once you get past it, you may feel like there’s not much else to learn, especially if you keep considering it as a “game you’ve mastered” and therefore gets boring if you can’t get anything else from it—i.e. the social aspect. Of course most don’t quite see it that way and would gladly prefer it a “zero effort” thing, never much understanding that they’re negating their own prospects for accomplishment. But then again quite a few of them will end up feeling that way, perhaps thinking that the social angle will wear off, too. For me, I’m always looking forward to anything new to lay my eyes upon; once you do that, it’s not a big step to refuse looking at it with the jadedness of a veteran.
  2. Anywhere, just ask. Many people will be willing to tell you theirs, chapter and verse.
  3. At some voice hangouts there might be a certain expectation that voice be indeed used, though unless it’s required (a very different thing, and far as I know those rarely last, as it’s simply too restrictive), most people are simply going to do what they bloody prefer. Regulars at those places know it and accept it. Casual visitors, however, can be another story. Some actually don’t have the wits to distinguish between ’voice enabled’ and ‘voice required’, and that lack of wits usually shows in other ways—namely, in their having little or no tolerance to texters, and a poorly hidden sense of entitlement: at best they’ll ignore anyone who doesn’t voice, and often they’ll all but berate them and act like they own not just the place but everyone else’s personal preferences. It’s usually variants of, “why come to a voice area if you’re not going to voice?”. You can explain to them the mysterious difference between ‘optional’ and ’mandatory’, or the specific advantages of text conversations; and you can ask that if texters are perfectly willing to talk to them, why aren’t they willing to talk to texters? Rarely works, of course. Most of them are indeed one-time visitors, anyway, so they generally don’t mind proving they’re dicks, since they’re not coming back and instead will go to other places to demand that everyone else does and prefers what they do and prefer. The only good side of it being, as I often say, that by proving they’re dicks they save you the effort of finding it out the long way; thus you can immediately tag them as such & proceed to ignore them 😊
  4. Maybe Bard, Google’s version, when it finally comes out. Or perhaps ELIZA.
  5. It could be just a weird form of compliment, and if so, I guess it depends on your personality and brand of curiosity. Mine’s broad and often deep, but not overly inclined to the weird, so I doubt I could summon enough interest to try & find out. If that’s not your case… then I guess just ask her. Or it could be some sort of provocation, in which case you definitely shouldn’t show any reaction to it, since it’d only make her do it more.
  6. Some do, to get to know me or for entertainment, but not to find places—I don’t use my picks that way, and usually they have dud locations. Nor do I read others’ for it.
  7. Thing is, I don’t actually mind talking in IM, but what I don’t want is someone trying to monopolize me. I go to a hangout or a club to actually be there—and yes, chat, but with everyone. I don’t go there just to be picked up; if some do, well, that’s their choice, but one shouldn’t assume. If they start with “are you busy?” and soon try to TP me elsewhere to have me all for themselves, or for that matter get all huffy and “I see you’re occupied, bye” if I so much as say ‘hi’ to someone else in local, that’s already a huge turn off. I don’t know what’s with some people that, without actually admitting it (or even seeing it), act as if they believe that the rest of us exist solely to be picked up by them, for their exclusive use, the moment they drop by. Another reason why I’m not terribly keen to IMs is because often there simply is no good reason for it. If they’re nearby, there’s no ongoing conversations in public chat and they don’t plan on saying anything they would prefer others not to see, then why? Public chat has the benefit that others can join in, so that anyone can step back for a moment if they don’t know what to say and prefer others to carry the conversation at that point so that it won’t die. If they don’t want that, then that too is a red flag as far as I’m concerned.
  8. I have no problem with how others choose to talk, as long as they have no problem with *my* choice, either. Unfortunately, it’s quite frequent that others will show their arrogance by thinking *their* choice is the only one that makes sense, for everyone.
  9. ‘Had’ to, no. Once with a particularly insistent guy I ended up saying the first country that came to mind, waited for him to be very satisfied that he knew now and declare he did see those national / cultural traits in me, then I told him I had picked it at random. He wasn’t pleased.
  10. Sorry, Kal, no cookie. Try again 😊
  11. Try London City, for example. It’s a hangout area with dancing spots and indeed a community vibe to it. Though some people (especially new players) tend to blindly send friendship requests left & right, many veterans there have a worthier concept of actual friendship, if you have the patience to build real connections. As for media, far as I can see lately much of it is done through Discord, probably because its strong mobile presence.
  12. Closest I ever get to criticism is on my height, and it ends fast: Other: Why are you so tall? Me: I like it. And that’s it, really. The only thing they could say at that point is that they don’t like it, and most people don’t want to sound like an idiot so soon.
  13. Small chance. My general looks aren’t highly sought after.
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