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Alienbear Gupte

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  1. Thank you so much for all your reply. I will check both of your recommended system to find one that match me.
  2. I am looking for a new giftcard system for my shop. It would be excellent if it also includes the subscription system. Any suggestions please? Thank you.
  3. Apart from agreeing other residents answers about the advantage of Prims clothing over Mesh one. I also found that on my computer, prims one load faster than the mesh one. Mesh on body sometimes rez forever.
  4. I dragged 18 folders to Merchant outbox today, then click "Send to Marketplace". The "Success" window showed up but my sent folders still inside my Merchant outbox & nothing new showed up on my marketplace "Unassociated inventory items ". I have a shop in marketplace with listed items. Just no idea why today didn't work. I did try relog and reboot but still not work. Please help. Thank you. Regards, Alienbear Gupte
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