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Celestiall Nightfire

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  1. Aww, thanks. Trying to figure out this forum. Had tried to reply and nothing, but wasn't logged in...haha
  2. RL took priority for quite a while, and my logged inworld time was greatly reduced. Such is life. We prioritize. I did log-in as recently as yesterday, and had fun. So, might try to pop inworld more often.
  3. Hello All! I thought this news story would be interesting/amusing to those in SL. A group of 'furries' stopped a domestic violence assault and helped police make the arrest
  4. I don't hide my alts, but don't go around making a production out of it either. My first alt (Astrall) was created not long after this account, as I was unable to log into SL. I had a builder partner, and he and I were working on building, when suddenly I couldn't login. It was a huge pain. After a few days he suggested I make another account. (Astrall Nightfire) The build problem wasn't solved though, as this account couldn't give permissions to my new alt! haha Finally my main account got back inworld, and all was well. Astrall is my twin. Then a few years later I created another alt, not so much a twin, but related. (Stellar) She has a sim in SL and her own stuff. My alts do different things and are useful. But, they aren't secret or anything. I sometimes share things between my alts, and I give them all rezz rights, group management and estate manager rights where applicable. The SL permission system doesn't let people share between accounts on most things, which is a shame. At this point I can't imagine just having one account. *laughing*
  5. I tried to use my RL first name, but it kept getting rejected. Also knew that I wanted a last name that was space related. It took me forever to get a name that worked and I liked. Had to tweak the spelling of the first name, as someone had started an account before me that was exactly mine, but with the proper first name spelling. Over the years I've looked at that other account, and it appears the person was never active. But, as LL doesn't recycle unused names that one is forever unavailable. After a while I liked the mispelling with double "ll' in my name. Created alts with similar names. "Astrall Nightfire" is one.
  6. Persona1993 wrote: The study is for the completion of a Masters of research in sociology. Participants will be given 1250 Linden Dollars (equivalent of £5) for their time, which will be payed directly to your avatar after the second interview is completed. I must stress that participants will remain anonymous and the study will not include any of your details including; avatar imagery, username, e-mail address or offline signifiers. Any help in finding people willing to help would be greatly appreciated. If you know of any groups/ places which would be likely to participate please let me know. If you are interested, please PM me. Thankyou. Ah, a student who is wise enough to understand human nature, while pursuing more knowledge. Excellent! (people like to be paid! ; ) I'd be happy to be interviewed. Do you want the PM here on the forum or inworld? It would be to your benefit to specify (I shall do both though)
  7. sirhc DeSantis, a good find! That's one I hadn't seen. Aquila Kytori, yes the washing machine story! One of my favorites. : )
  8. Hans Rosling brought truth to the world and fought to stamp out ignorance through the Ignorance Project. He was a medical doctor, statistician, global health specialist, and a forward thinking man. I've shared Han's work countless times. This morning Hans Rosling died of pancreatic cancer. The Gapminder website: https://www.gapminder.org/ Reason on Hans Rosling: http://reason.com/blog/2017/02/07/hans-rosling-founder-of-the-invaluable-g So many good videos and educational lectures he gave. If anyone else is saddened by the news of his death, maybe share one of his videos as a comment.
  9. To follow up on my previous post: Both the Republicans and Democrats have waged non-stop war for over a decade and each side of the same political coin protested the other. But being the hypocrites they are, continued with the policies. It's this political game, which is about power, and not the rights of people which creates situations such as the mess in the middle east, terrorism, and constant war. The way to break this paradigm is to break the political duopoly power stranglehold.
  10. Medhue Simoni wrote: Devriv wrote: Perhaps you misunderstood Medhue’s statement. He asks a very important question, one which, remarkably, despite the presence and abundance of assertive commenters in this thread, remains glaringly unanswered. With Medhue’s permission I’ll reword it only slightly: “How about people stand against the [destruction] of these nations, instead of [standing against] a ban on immigration?” The question is so simple, basic and reasonable that it would require a very good education not to ask it. In a free society, it is just the question asked by informed citizens and political commentators. Here, in this thread, it has remained unanswered because the media has not yet provided an answer that someone could safely regurgitate. Thank you, Devriv! I sit here and read all this outrage, over an immigration "ban". Where was and is the outrage over real people dying, on almost a daily basis? Getting blown to bits? This has gone on for well over a decade. Please people, direct your outrage to the bad policies that created this situation. I'm sure that Trump will likely continue this same program that Obama expanded on. Let's stop the cause, and there need not be any bans. Back in the day, we got nations to cooperate and love us with trade, and exporting our products. We did it with voluntary solutions, not with using force. Force and aggression is the problem. Instead, we see people on the left arguing whether it is OK to sucker punch those that they don't agree with. Yet, these same people want to project moral superiority on the topic of immigration. That is just crazy! Yes, it's the height of hypocrisy for people to be upset over a ban, yet didn't protest or express outrage for the past eight years with the US bombing weddings, children, cities, and hospitals. Hell the US bombed a Doctors without Borders hospital killing patients and medical staff. Then tried to lie about it. Where was the outrage? Where were Hollywood celebrities denouncing such egregious murder? As for my politics, it has remained constant. As a member of the Libertarian Party, we protested the horrible war-machine of the last administration and the one before that. We're also protesting the current administration for any area that violates human rights. The day the Muslim travel ban went live. This is Nicholas Sarwark, the Chair of Libertarian Party Libertarian Party to Muslims: We stand with you. Libertarian Party website: https://www.lp.org/we_stand_with_you/ Official Libertarian Party statements: https://www.lp.org/the-libertarian-party-opposes-restrictions-on-peaceful-immigration/
  11. DEA agent. Of course he shoots himself. That's an agency that needs to be eliminated. (Although, shooting themselves as the method should be discouraged) That agent violated the number one rule of gun safety. He said, "this is an unloaded gun", then he picks it up and starts messing around with it. (mistake made) He didn't personally check to see that the gun was unloaded. Number one safety rule: There's no such thing as an unloaded gun. You pick it up, you check the chamber, the clip, everything yourself. Never assume. Even if it's your gun.
  12. Derek Torvalar wrote: One cannot be betrayed if one has no people. Simple. I always wondered who ushered in the inane "Army of One" slogan...
  13. For some jobs, in RL and SL, the "looks" of the person/avatar are important. In RL modeling, acting, media-talking-heads, and public speakers, looks matter. Controlling visual impact is part of the job. Same in SL. If a 'club' in SL has a theme, mood, or type of atmosphere, they want to maintain that image. To get a job in such a place, one would need to fit the look. Just like RL for certain jobs. Not everyone is interested in the avatar looks part of SL. Or, to the same degree. I was in SL for 4.5 years before I used an AO, bought a skin, or worried much about my avatar looks. It wasn't a priority. Even now, I have a classic avatar, not mesh. I still wear some system clothes, as they're so easy and always fit. (some of my favorite outfits are system clothes : ) Hmm, I didn't even know that LL had made mesh-avatars for us, sub-par or not. *laughing* I don't worry about a 'class system'' and such in RL, so neither do I in SL. I know class when I see it, and it has little to do with what most people imagine. ; )
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