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v7-D Zen Resizer (lite) - Builders Package.

Void Singer

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EDIT: corrected a bug, and updated the core script to work faster and cleaner (new functions allowed prevention of problems for physics/moving objects)



    • Drag and Drop Design (minimal to no editing at all)
    • Clear Simple Instructions
    • Multiple configurations possible
    • Open source scripts let you modify directly in the script if desired
    • Multi Language Support
    • Allows end users to set and restore their own default (in the range you allow)
    • Allows end user to remove the resize script
    • Allows you to disable the the above user functions


  • NOT fully compatible with scripted objects that change the size/position of individual prims.
  • WARNING: Do not attempt to edit size/ link position while resize is running

End User Features:

  • Single LSO script, triggers after a two second touch/hold to avoid triggering when other touch scripts are present (and to override v2x dialogs)
  • Auto-language detection on ownership change (where reported, creator configurable to include any language code, default language set by creator)
  • Equivalent size adjustments (+10% then -10% results in the same starting size)
  • Size percentage reported on dialog in easy to understand 0.00 to 100.00 percentage format (representing size limits)
  • Preset Limits avoid broken objects (even on max resize). no guessing if a change will exceed min size or max link distance, because it won't.
  • Removable from no mod objects
  • User Settable Save and Restore
  • Auto-remenu (saves time editing) with "Done" cancel button.
  • Owner feedback on dialog commands provided.

Quick Start Instructions:

    1. Make a copy of your object for safety.
    2. Drop the "v7-D Zen Resizer (lite) Prep" script into your object, click it and follow the dialog instructions.
    3. Remove the previous script and drop the "v7-D Zen Resizer (lite)" script and "v7-D Zen Resizer (lite): User Manual" into your object.

You're done.

Detailed Instructions:

    • These instructions, scripts and associated materials are being made freely available on an as-is basis.
      No warranties, implied or otherwise, are offered with it's use. Users assume sole liability for it's use in their items.
      If you find an issue not covered here AFTER following the included instructions, please feel free to report it and I'll attempt to address it.


  • [Step 1]
    REQUIRED: Make a Copy of your object before Starting for safety!
  • [Step 2]
    Drop the "v7-D Zen Resizer Prep" script into the root prim of your object
    • OPTIONAL: Drop a translated "v7-D Zen Resizer Prep.cfg" notecard into the root prim of your object
  • [Step 3]
    Click your object, and follow the instructions in the dialogs
    • NOTE: This step changes the size of your object; It will be reset to it's default size at the end of this step
    • NOTE: This step automatically sets the object description to "set=< rotation >" (it will also be printed to your chat history). You can add other information to the description without interfering with it, or if you prefer, you can remove it and add it to the notecard in [Step 5].
  • [Step 4]
    Remove the "v7-D Zen Resizer Prep" script from your object (and any "v7-D Zen Resizer Prep.cfg" notecard)
  • [Step 5]
    • (5a) Drop the "v7-D Zen Resizer (lite).cfg" notecard into the root prim of your object
    • (5b) Edit the "v7-D Zen Resizer (lite).cfg" card you dropped into your object for any custom changes
      • - NOTE: Steps (5a) and (5b) are REQUIRED if you removed the object description text above, and/or want to make changes to the default menus or text; otherwise it is OPTIONAL.
    • (5c) OPTIONAL: Translate the "v7-D Zen Resizer (lite).cfg" notecard into another language, and save as a new notecard, adding ".xx" (no quotes) to the end of its name (where "xx" is the language code, see the default "v7-D Zen Resizer.cfg" notecard for details)
  • [Step 6]
    Drop the "v7-D Zen Resizer (lite)" script into the root prim of your object
  • [Step 7]
    OPTIONAL (but strongly suggested): Perform the following tests to confirm that Zen Resizer has been installed correctly:
    • (7a) make a copy of your current object (to avoid having to reset it)
    • (7b) Click on the Object, holding the mouse button down for two seconds to activate the menu
    • (7c) (via the dialog) Increase the objects size to 100.00%
    • (7d) (via the dialog) Save the current size
    • (7e) (via the dialog) Decrease the objects size to 0.00%
    • (7f) (via the dialog) Restore the saved size
    • (7g) if any test fails (and it shouldn't) go back to [Step 1] and use a smaller maximum size.
  • [Step 8]
    OPTIONAL: Drop the "v7-D Zen Resizer (lite): User Manual" notecard into the root prim of your object
    • NOTE: If you made changes to the"v7-D Zen Resizer (lite).cfg" notecard, you will want to edit this notecard to reflect any command changes as well
    • NOTE: If you included translations for the menus, you may want to include translations of this notecard as well
    • NOTE: Optionally, You may, instead, copy the instructions to your own notecard included with the object.
  • [Step 9]
    REQUIRED: Include a Plain Text (readable by the User) copy of the following three lines somewhere in or with your object

Advanced Tips:

  • Any Changes made in the default notecard can be directly edited into the script instead (all necessary variables are at the top)
  • Dialog can be triggered via link message so that you can tie the dialog into your own script with the following call
    • llMessageLinked( LINK_ROOT, 0, "v7-D Zen Resizer (lite)", llGetOwner() );
      • + You can replace "llGetOwner()" with the key of any avatar you want to receive the dialog
  • You can directly access the resize function via Link message from your own script with the following commands
    • llMessageLinked( LINK_ROOT, llRound( percentage * 10000 ), "v7-D Zen Resizer (lite)", "" ); //-- change object size
      • + Replace "percentage" with a float in the range of 0.0 to 1.0
    • llMessageLinked( LINK_ROOT, -1, "v7-D Zen Resizer (lite)", "" ); //-- Reset the object to the last saved size
      llMessageLinked( LINK_ROOT, -2, "v7-D Zen Resizer (lite)", "" ); //-- Saves the current Size
      llMessageLinked( LINK_ROOT, -3, "v7-D Zen Resizer (lite)", "" ); //-- Removes the resize script
  • All direct access commands will report back with:
    • llMessageLinked( source_link_number, 1, "v7-D ZenResizer (lite)_", "" ); //-- Command Succeeded
      llMessageLinked( source_link_number, 0, "v7-D ZenResizer (lite)_", "" ); //-- Command Failed
      • + source_link_number = the link number of the script that sent the original command
  • The script name can be changed, notecards and link commands MUST be changed to match
  • This package is free; If you paid for it, you got screwed, probably by a copyright violator.
  • "set = " is set by notecard if present, by script if not, and by description field only if the other two are not present.


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Forum copy of file:

/*//( v7-D Zen Resizer (lite) Prep v1.4 )//*///-- these variable may be translated here or in an optional notecardlist     gLstTxt = ["// You may paste the following line into your notecard:",                    "Resize the object (in edit, via a corner grab) to the DEFAULT size you want, then press \"OK\"\n\n(This size will automatically be restored when done)",                    "Resize the object (in edit, via a corner grab) to the SMALLEST size you want available, then press \"OK\"\n\n(This size must be SMALLER than the DEFAULT)",                    "Resize the object (in edit, via a corner grab) to the LARGEST size you want available, then press \"OK\"\n\n(this size must be LARGER than the DEFAULT)",                    "Done!\n\nThe Object Stats are saved to the objects description field, and have been sent to your chat window (you may include it in your notecard)"];list     gLstVal;integer  gIntCnt;rotation gNfoSet = <0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0>;key    gKeyChk;string gStrNCL; //-- Adjust Set SizeuAdjSiz( float vFltNew ){     //-- clamp vFltNew to valid percentage [0.0, 1.0]    vFltNew = (vFltNew * (vFltNew > 0.0) - 1.0) * (vFltNew < 1.0) + 1.0;     //-- only run if previous percent greater or less than next percentage? (0 means the same)    if ((vFltNew < gNfoSet.z) - (vFltNew > gNfoSet.z)){         //-- get the current root size for comparison        vector vSizOld = llGetScale();         //-- save the new percentage to gNfoSet, and reuse gFltNew to save the relative change percentage        vFltNew = (gNfoSet.x + gNfoSet.y * (gNfoSet.z = vFltNew)) / vSizOld.x;                 //-- intialize a temp list for holding child prims size/offset        list vLstTmp;         //-- get the number of prims for our loop + 1 (make loops cleaner later)         //-- llGetObjectPrimCount doesn't count seated avs, but returns 0 for attachments         //-- llGetNumberOfPrims works on attachments, but counts seated avs when detached         //-- !!llGetAttached returns TRUE(1) if attached, or FALSE(0) if not, to cancel #ofPrims if unattached.        integer  vIntCnt = ~-(llGetObjectPrimCount( llGetKey() ) +  llGetNumberOfPrims() * !!llGetAttached());            //-- set the root prim separately since it's position will not change        llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast( LINK_THIS, [PRIM_SIZE, vSizOld * vFltNew] );        while (~-(--vIntCnt)){            vLstTmp = llGetLinkPrimitiveParams( vIntCnt, [PRIM_SIZE, PRIM_POSITION] );            llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast( vIntCnt,                                          [PRIM_SIZE, llList2Vector( vLstTmp, 0 ) * vFltNew,                                           PRIM_POS_LOCAL, llList2Vector( vLstTmp, 1 ) * vFltNew] );        }    }}default{    state_entry(){        gStrNCL = llGetScriptName() + ".cfg";        if (~llGetInventoryType( gStrNCL )){            gKeyChk = llGetNotecardLine( gStrNCL, gIntCnt );        }else{            state sRdy;        }    }        dataserver( key vKeyQry, string vStrDta ){        if (gKeyChk == vKeyQry){            if (EOF == vStrDta){                state sRdy;            }else{                if (vStrDta = llStringTrim( llList2String( llParseString2List( vStrDta, ["::"], [] ), 0 ), STRING_TRIM )){                    if (!llSubStringIndex( llToLower( vStrDta ), "txt" )){                        integer vIdxTxt = (integer)llGetSubString( vStrDta, 3, 0xFFFFFFFF );                        vStrDta = (string)llList2List( llParseStringKeepNulls( vStrDta, ["="], [] ), 1, 0xFFFFFFFF );                        gLstTxt = llListReplaceList( gLstTxt, (list)llDumpList2String( llParseStringKeepNulls( vStrDta, ["\\n"], [] ), "\n" ), vIdxTxt, vIdxTxt );                    }                }                gKeyChk = llGetNotecardLine( gStrNCL, ++gIntCnt );            }        }    }}state sRdy{    state_entry(){        gIntCnt = -4;    }    touch_end( integer vIntNul ){        if (llGetOwner() == llDetectedKey( 0 )){            state sRun;        }    }        changed( integer vBitChg ){        if (CHANGED_INVENTORY & vBitChg){            if (~llGetInventoryType( gStrNCL )){                llResetScript();            }        }    }}state sRun{    state_entry(){        integer vIntChn = (integer)("0xF" + llGetSubString( llGetOwner(), 0, 6 ));        llListen( vIntChn, "", llGetOwner(), "OK");        llDialog( llGetOwner(), llList2String( gLstTxt, gIntCnt ), [], vIntChn );    }        listen( integer vIntChn, string vStrNul, key vKeyOwn, string vStrNull ){        vector vSizTst = llGetScale();        gLstVal += (list)vSizTst.x;        if (~(++gIntCnt)){            llDialog( vKeyOwn, llList2String( gLstTxt, gIntCnt ), [], vIntChn );        }else{             //-- calculate the info needed for the set.            gNfoSet.x = llList2Float( gLstVal, 1 );            gNfoSet.y = llList2Float( gLstVal, 2 ) - gNfoSet.x;            gNfoSet.z = 1.0;            gNfoSet.s = (llList2Float( gLstVal, 0 ) - gNfoSet.x) / gNfoSet.y;            gLstVal = []; //-- clear the values list in case the user wants to do this again.             //-- LSL has some weird rounding of rotations, but it's ignored if you diredctly print the elements            llSetObjectDesc( "set=<" +                             (string)gNfoSet.x + "," +                             (string)gNfoSet.y + "," +                             (string)gNfoSet.s + "," +                             (string)gNfoSet.s + ">" );             //-- avoid rounding errors in chat and pull the "set" variable from the description we just installed            llOwnerSay( "\n" + llList2String( gLstTxt, 0) + "\n" + llGetObjectDesc() );            uAdjSiz( gNfoSet.s );                        llDialog( llGetOwner(), llList2String( gLstTxt, -1 ), [], vIntChn );                        state sRdy;        }    }}/*//--                           License Text                           --//*//*//  Free to copy, use, modify, distribute, or sell, with attribution.   //*//*//    ©2010 (CC-BY) [ http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0 ]    //*//*//   Void Singer [ https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/User:Void_Singer ]  //*//*//  All usages must contain a plain text copy of the previous 2 lines.  //*//*//--                                                                  --//*/
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Forum copy of the file:

:: This is a comment, comments are good. anything starting with "::" and after is a comment:: this notecard must be named the same as the script with ".cfg" (no quotes) added to the end:: values may be translated, please include the "//" in txt0 for safety, line breaks wil be inserted for every instance of "\n" (no quotes)txt0 = // You may paste the following line into your notecard:txt1 = Resize the object (in edit, via a corner grab) to the DEFAULT size you want, then press "OK"\n\n(This size will automatically be restored when done)txt2 = Resize the object (in edit, via a corner grab) to the SMALLEST size you want available, then press "OK"\n\n(This size must be SMALLER than the DEFAULT)txt3 = Resize the object (in edit, via a corner grab) to the LARGEST size you want available, then press "OK"\n\n(this size must be LARGER than the DEFAULT)txt4 = Done!\n\nThe set variable is saved to the object's description field, and has been sent to your chat history window. You may remove this script now.
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Forum copy of the file:

/*//( v7-D Zen Resizer (lite) v1.4 )//*//*//-- Notes: Do Not Move/Rotate Object While It Is Resizing, it WILL break [LSL Limitation] (attached to moving av is safe) - a bad idea for physics objects, or objects with active move/rotation scripts, or object being edited (this limitation will be removed in the MONO Version I just haven't rewritten it yet) The gNfoSet Global, and uAdjSiz function can easily be reused in custom scripts//*//*//-- Menu Variables --//*/ //-- timeout for dialog listens and notecard readsfloat    gFltTmt = 45.0; //-- Default Dialog Buttonslist     gLstBtn = ["+0.02%", "-0.02%", "Done",                    "+0.2%", "-0.2%", "Recall",                    "+2%", "-2%", "Save",                    "+20%", "-20%", "-Script"]; //-- Default User Textlist     gLstTxt = ["(v7-D Zen Resizer) Reading Notecard...",                    "(v7-D Zen Resizer) Notecard Read Failed; Retrying...",                    "(v7-D Zen Resizer) Ready.",                    "(v7-D Zen Resizer) Set Info Missing; Resize Aborted.",                    "(v7-D Zen Resizer) Resizing...",                    "(v7-D Zen Resizer) Resize Done.",                    "(v7-D Zen Resizer) Current Size Saved.",                    "(v7-D Zen Resizer) Dialog Timed Out.",                    "v7-D Zen Resizer v1.3\n\nCurrent Size:"];/*//-- The Centerpiece Global, stores the  --//*/rotation gNfoSet = <0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0>;/*//-- do not modify these variables. --//*/ //-- key of the user given the resize dialog (also used to store the notecard request id)key      gKeyMnu;  //-- channel the dialog will use (calculated per user) (also used to store the current notecard line)integer  gIntChn; //-- stores the calculated name of the notecard (including translation if available)string   gStrNCL; //-- Adjust Set SizeuAdjSiz( float vFltNew ){     //-- clamp vFltNew to valid percentage [0.0, 1.0]    vFltNew = (vFltNew * (vFltNew > 0.0) - 1.0) * (vFltNew < 1.0) + 1.0;     //-- only run if previous percent greater or less than next percentage? (0 means the same)    if ((vFltNew < gNfoSet.z) - (vFltNew > gNfoSet.z)){         //-- get the current root size for comparison        vector vSizOld = llGetScale();         //-- save the new percentage to gNfoSet, and reuse gFltNew to save the relative change percentage        vFltNew = (gNfoSet.x + gNfoSet.y * (gNfoSet.z = vFltNew)) / vSizOld.x;                 //-- intialize a temp list for holding child prims size/offset        list vLstTmp;         //-- get the number of prims for our loop + 1 (make loops cleaner later)         //-- llGetObjectPrimCount doesn't count seated avs, but returns 0 for attachments         //-- llGetNumberOfPrims works on attachments, but counts seated avs when detached         //-- !!llGetAttached returns TRUE(1) if attached, or FALSE(0) if not, to cancel #ofPrims if unattached.        integer  vIntCnt = ~-(llGetObjectPrimCount( llGetKey() ) +  llGetNumberOfPrims() * !!llGetAttached());            //-- set the root prim separately since it's position will not change        llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast( LINK_THIS, [PRIM_SIZE, vSizOld * vFltNew] );        while (~-(--vIntCnt)){            vLstTmp = llGetLinkPrimitiveParams( vIntCnt, [PRIM_SIZE, PRIM_POSITION] );            llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast( vIntCnt,                                          [PRIM_SIZE, llList2Vector( vLstTmp, 0 ) * vFltNew,                                           PRIM_POS_LOCAL, llList2Vector( vLstTmp, 1 ) * vFltNew] );        }    }}     //-- MenuuDialog(){     //-- Format the Current Size Percentage to thousandths of percent    string vStrPct = (string)llRound( gNfoSet.z * 10000.0 );    if (llStringLength( vStrPct ) < 3){        vStrPct = llGetSubString( "00" + vStrPct, -3 , -1 );    }     //-- Pop the dialog    llDialog( gKeyMnu, llList2String( gLstTxt, 8 ) + llInsertString( vStrPct, llStringLength( vStrPct ) - 2, "." ) + "%", gLstBtn, gIntChn );     //-- set a timeout to capture dialog cancelation and close the listen    llSetTimerEvent( gFltTmt );}uChkNfo(){     //-- are we missing linkset information?    if (0.0 == gNfoSet.y){         //-- set it from the description if it's available        string vStrTmp = llGetObjectDesc();        integer vIdxTmp = llSubStringIndex( vStrTmp, "set=" );        if (~vIdxTmp){            gNfoSet = (rotation)llGetSubString( vStrTmp, vIdxTmp + 4, 0xFFFFFFFF );        }    }     //-- if we have a valid info set, make sure to set an accurate current percentage.    if (gNfoSet.y){        vector vSizTmp = llGetScale();        gNfoSet.z = (vSizTmp.x - gNfoSet.x) / gNfoSet.y;    }}default{    state_entry(){         //-- Check for language specific notecard        if (~llGetInventoryType( gStrNCL = llGetScriptName() + ".cfg." + llGetAgentLanguage( llGetOwner() ) )){         //-- check for default notecard        }else if (~llGetInventoryType( gStrNCL = llGetScriptName() + ".cfg")){        }else{             //-- no notecard available            gStrNCL = "";        }         //-- if there is a notecard, start reading it        if (gStrNCL){             //-- pre-use the av global to verify notecard reads            gKeyMnu = llGetNotecardLine( gStrNCL, gIntChn );             //-- set a timeout for notecard reads            llSetTimerEvent( gFltTmt );        }else{             //-- make sure we have good information for the set            uChkNfo();             //-- fast timeout to avoid dumping changed events            llSetTimerEvent( 0.01 );        }    }        dataserver( key vKeyQry, string vStrDta ){         //-- make sure this event was triggered by our script        if (gKeyMnu == vKeyQry){             //-- are we done reading the notecard?            if (EOF == vStrDta || "EOF" == vStrDta){                 //-- make sure we have good information for the set                uChkNfo();                 //-- clear key to signal that the notecard reads are done                gKeyMnu = "";                 //-- fast timeout to avoid dumping changed events                llSetTimerEvent( 0.01 );            }else{ //-- we have not reached the end of the notecard                 //-- Strip comments and extra spaces, and see if there's anything left for us                if (vStrDta = llStringTrim( llList2String( llParseStringKeepNulls( vStrDta, ["//"], [] ), 0 ), STRING_TRIM ) ){                     //-- check if we have variable data to parse                    integer vIdxTyp = llListFindList( ["set", "btn", "txt"], (list)llToLower( llGetSubString( vStrDta, 0, 2 ) ) );                    if (~vIdxTyp){                         //-- remove header and extra spaces                        integer vIdxVar = (integer)llGetSubString( vStrDta, 3, ~-llSubStringIndex( vStrDta, "=" ) );                        vStrDta = llStringTrim( llDeleteSubString( vStrDta, 0, llSubStringIndex( vStrDta, "=" ) ), STRING_TRIM );                        if (2 & vIdxTyp){ //-- text                             //-- replace default text with notecard text (line breaks corrected)                            gLstTxt = llListReplaceList( gLstTxt, (list)llDumpList2String( llParseStringKeepNulls( vStrDta, ["\\n"], [] ), "\n" ), vIdxVar, vIdxVar );                            if (!vIdxVar){                                 //-- if we get the "reading notecard" translation, tell user immediately. (that's why that line goes first and is always included)                                llOwnerSay( llList2String( gLstTxt, 0 ) );                            }                        }else if (1 & vIdxTyp){ //-- buttons                             //-- replace default buton label with notecard button label                            gLstBtn = llListReplaceList( gLstBtn, (list)vStrDta, vIdxVar, vIdxVar );                        }else{ //-- set info                             //-- replace default set info with notecard set info (this overrides the description field info)                            gNfoSet = (rotation)vStrDta;                        }                    }                }                 //-- call the next line of the notecard                gKeyMnu = llGetNotecardLine( gStrNCL, ++gIntChn );                 //-- reset the notecard timeout                llSetTimerEvent( gFltTmt );            }        }    }        timer(){         //-- are we still trying to read a notecard?        if (gKeyMnu){            llOwnerSay( llList2String( gLstTxt, 1 ) );            gKeyMnu = llGetNotecardLine( gStrNCL, gIntChn = 0 );        }else{ //-- we are done with this state             //-- tell the user we're ready            llOwnerSay( llList2String( gLstTxt, 2 ) );             //-- go to the ready state            state sRdy;        }    }        //-- if we change users, reset the script to detect language    changed( integer vBitChg ){        if (CHANGED_OWNER & vBitChg){            llResetScript();        }    }}state sRdy{    state_entry(){         //-- clear timers set by other states        llSetTimerEvent( 0.0 );    }         //-- oh look, outside script triggering =P    link_message( integer vIntSrc, integer vIntAmt, string vStrCmd, key vKeyAvt ){         //-- link messages to us must have string = script name        if (llGetScriptName() == vStrCmd){            if (vKeyAvt){                 //-- if a key was sent open the dialog for that av                gKeyMnu = vKeyAvt;                state sRun;            }else{                 //-- much cooler, lets you build your own menu method, and trigger                 //--  the resize by sending an integer in hundredths of percent                 //-- -1 resets to default, <-1 saves the current percentage as default                if (vIntAmt >> 31){ // neg value, it's a command                    vIntAmt += 4; //-- reset range to positive, makes parse easier                    if (vIntAmt > 0xFFFFFFFF){ //-- discard original values under -3                        if (2 & vIntAmt){//-- CMD = recall                            if (gNfoSet.y){ //-- check for prep values                                uAdjSiz( gNfoSet.s );                            }else{                                //-- set failure flag                                vIntAmt = 0xFFFFFFFF;                            }                        }else if (1 & vIntAmt){ //-- CMD = Save                            gNfoSet.s = gNfoSet.z;                        }else{                             //-- CMD = remove script                            llRemoveInventory( llGetScriptName() );                            llMessageLinked( vIntSrc, 1, llGetScriptName() + "_", "" );                        }                    }                }else{ //-- positive value, CMD = set custom percentage                    if (gNfoSet.y){ //-- check for prep values                        uAdjSiz( vIntAmt / 10000.0 );                    }else{                        //-- set Failure Flag                        vIntAmt = 0xFFFFFFFF;                    }                }                llMessageLinked( vIntSrc, !(vIntAmt >> 31), llGetScriptName() + "_", "" );            }        }    }         //-- or lame old hold for 2sec trigger for the owner    touch_start( integer vIntNul ){        llResetTime();    }        touch_end( integer vIntNul ){         //-- test to see if touch lasted longer than 1 second        if ((integer)llGetTime()){             //-- was it the owner?            if ((gKeyMnu = llGetOwner()) == llDetectedKey( 0 )){                 //-- send em to the dialog state                state sRun;            }        }    }         //-- if owner changes, jump back to default to retry language detection    changed( integer vBitChg ){        if (CHANGED_OWNER & vBitChg){            state default;        }    }} //-- this state is a pointless exercise in a generic menuing //-- system. you could replace it with just about any menu stylestate sRun{    state_entry(){         //-- set up a semi-unique channel based on the av we're serving        gIntChn = (integer)("0xF" + llGetSubString( gKeyMnu, 0, 6 ));         //-- open a listen on that channel to that av        llListen( gIntChn, "", gKeyMnu, "" );         //-- send them a dialg        uDialog();    }        listen( integer vIntNul, string vStrNul, key vKeyNul, string vStrCmd ){         //-- which dialog button was pressed        integer vIdxCmd = llListFindList( gLstBtn, (list)vStrCmd );         //-- do we have a valid command        if (~vIdxCmd){             //-- only process non-blank buttons            if (vStrCmd){                 //-- is it in the right hand column                if (vIdxCmd % 3 == 2){                     //-- get smaller indexes so we can parse faster                    vIdxCmd /= 3;                    if (2 & vIdxCmd){ if (1 & vIdxCmd){                         //-- original index = 11: remove script                        llRemoveInventory( llGetScriptName() );                         //-- inventory removal may fire slow, avoid triggering a new dialog                        return;                    }else{                         //-- original index = 8: save default                        gNfoSet.s = gNfoSet.z;                         //-- tell the user                        llOwnerSay( llList2String( gLstTxt, 6 ) );                    } }else if (1 & vIdxCmd){                          //-- original index = 5: restore default size                         if (gNfoSet.y){ //-- make sure we have valid information                             //-- tell user we started resizing                            llOwnerSay( llList2String( gLstTxt, 4 ) );                            uAdjSiz( gNfoSet.s );                             //-- tell user we're done resizing                            llOwnerSay( llList2String( gLstTxt, 5 ) );                         }else{                             //-- prep variable missing, abort                            llOwnerSay( llList2String( gLstTxt, 3 ) );                        }                    }else{                         //-- original index = 2: exit menu                        state sRdy;                    }                 //-- must be a resize amount, apply it if we have good prep                }else if (gNfoSet.y){                     //-- tell user we started resizing                    llOwnerSay( llList2String( gLstTxt, 4 ) );                    uAdjSiz( (float)vStrCmd / 100.0 + gNfoSet.z );                     //-- tell user we're done resizing                    llOwnerSay( llList2String( gLstTxt, 5 ) );                }else{                     //-- prep variable missing, abort                    llOwnerSay( llList2String( gLstTxt, 3 ) );                }            }             //-- retrigger the dialog            uDialog();        }    }        timer(){         //-- tell the user they took too long to respond        llOwnerSay( llList2String( gLstTxt, 7 ) );         //-- go back to waiting        state sRdy;    }         //-- if owner changes, jump back to default to retry language detection    changed( integer vBitChg ){        if (CHANGED_OWNER & vBitChg){            state default;        }    }}/*//--                           License Text                           --//*//*//  Free to copy, use, modify, distribute, or sell, with attribution.   //*//*//    ©2010 (CC-BY) [ http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0 ]    //*//*//   Void Singer [ https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/User:Void_Singer ]  //*//*//  All usages must contain a plain text copy of the previous 2 lines.  //*//*//--                                                                  --//*/
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Forum Copy of the file:

// this is a comment, comments are good. anything begining with "//" will be ignored. so will blank lines.txt0 = (v7-D Zen Resizer) Reading Notecard...txt1 = (v7-D Zen Resizer) Notecard Read Failed; Retrying...txt2 = (v7-D Zen Resizer) Ready.txt3 = (v7-D Zen Resizer) Set Info Missing; Resize Aborted.txt4 = (v7-D Zen Resizer) Resizing...txt5 = (v7-D Zen Resizer) Resize Done.txt6 = (v7-D Zen Resizer) Current Size Saved.txt7 = (v7-D Zen Resizer) Dialog Timed Out.txt8 = v7-D (v7-D Zen Resizer)  v1.3\n\nCurrent Size:btn00 = +0.02%btn01 = -0.02%btn02 = Donebtn03 = +0.2%btn04 = -0.2%btn05 = Recallbtn06 = +2%btn07 = -2%btn08 = Savebtn09 = +20%btn10 = -20%btn11 = -Scriptset = <0.0,0.0,0.0>EOF//-- Notecard must have the same name as the script plus ".cfg" added to the end (no quotes)//-- You may have multiple notecards, each in a different language. to specify the//--   language add the language code to the end of that. example: ".ja" for japanese//-- Examples: "v7-D Zen Resizer.cfg.ja", or "v7-D Zen Resizer.cfg"//--   the first would be used if the user had japanese as their SL client language//--   the second would be used if no language could be found (or was not shared with object by the client)//--     See [ http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlGetAgentLanguage ], for more details.//-- text section explanation, replace with translated text, any missing line will use script defaults//-- you may inlcude line breaks by using "\n" in these texts//txt0 = <tell user we're reading the notecard> (this line should always be first in translations, and should ALWAYS be present)//txt1 = <tell user we're going to reset reading the notecard because it timed out> (should always be the second line in translations)//txt2 = <tell user: info missing, cannot resize>//txt3 = <tell user: done reading notecard, ready to work>//txt4 = <tell user: resizing the set> (in case the visual change isn't noticable)//txt5 = <tell user: done resizing the set>//txt6 = <tell user: saved current size>//txt7 = <tell user: dialog timed out> (user took to long to make a choice, needs to reopen dialog to continue)//txt8 = <Special: dialog box text to show user, the current percentage will be added to the end>//-- button section explanation, replace with translated text, any missing line will use script defaults//-- percentages must be from 0.01 to 100.00 (thoundands of whole percent)//btn00 = <+/- percentage> (blank to disable)//btn01 = <+/- percentage> (blank to disable)//btn02 = <Closes Dialog>//btn03 = <+/- percentage> (blank to disable)//btn04 = <+/- percentage> (blank to disable)//btn05 = <Reset to Saved Percentage>//btn06 = <+/- percentage> (blank to disable)//btn07 = <+/- percentage> (blank to disable)//btn08 = <Save Current Percentage> (blank to disable)//btn09 = <+/- percentage> (blank to disable)//btn10 = <+/- percentage> (blank to disable)//btn11 = <Remove Script> (blank to disable)//-- Set value explanation: code from the prep script (remove this line to default to script or description field values)//set = <0.0,0.0,0.0>//-- "EOF" (no quotes) is a super comment, nothing after it will be read
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Forum copy of the file:

To Open the v7-D Zen Resizer Menu, click on your product, hold for 2 seconds then release.If you recieve a Message in chat that the dialog Timed out, repeat the above step to continueClick on a dialog button to use the function listed- "Save" will save the current size as default- "-Script" will remove the "v7-D Zen Resizer" script from your object permanently- "Recall" will reset the objects size to the last saved size- "Done" will cancel the dialog- All other dialog buttons will modify the size of your object by the listed amount to a minimum of 0.00% and a maximum of 100.00%v7-D Zen Resizer©2010 (CC-BY) [ http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0 ]Void Singer [ https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/User:Void_Singer ]
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