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Apply Now to Exhibit, Perform, or Volunteer at the Second Life Birthday Event

Courtney Linden


This is your chance to show the virtual world how amazing you are! This is SL8B—Second Life’s 8th Birthday bash—and we have 20 regions dedicated to the birthday event where you can make your mark.

Whether you’re a performer, artist, educator, mentor, social butterfly, designer, business owner, or media maven, SL8B is your time to shine. We’re counting on you to share your talents in the spirit of our theme this year-- “Magic of Second Life.” You know. It’s that magical moment when the virtual light bulb turns on like when you made your first strong connection with a friend or when you realized that you were part of the community--the Second Life culture.

The deadline to apply to be an exhibitor, a performer, or a greeter volunteer is tomorrow, May 20th. Visit our SL8B wiki page to learn more about the theme and apply to officially participate in the event.

Want to learn more? 
Join the Second Life Birthday group inworld for the latest updates on the festivities. 



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