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  • Managing Private Regions

    Jeremy Linden

    Telehubs and direct teleport

    There are two basic approaches to controlling where visitors to your estates appear: you can either use a telehub to force all visitors to appear at a set location, or you can allow visitors to teleport directly to wherever they wish.

    If you choose to use a telehub, you must disable Allow Direct Teleport on the Estate tab of the REGION/ESTATE window (World > Region/Estate). In addition, you should clear any landing points that might be set for the parcels on your estate (using the About Land window's OPTIONS tab), as they can cause the telehub to malfunction.

    If you choose to allow direct teleportation, you should disable or remove any telehub object that you have in your region. You can, however, use parcel landing points to provide parcel-level control over where people appear when they teleport into the region.

    Configuring telehubs

    Telehubs are controlled through the REGION/ESTATE window, on the Region tab.

    Note: If you are the owner of a Region, you always teleport directly to the center of it instead of to a set telehub or landing point.

    To connect your telehub:

    1. Right-click on the object and select Edit.
    2. In the REGION/ESTATE window, click the Region tab.
    3. Click Manage Telehub.
    4. Click Add Spawn.
    5. Click your telehub object again, and click Connect telehub.

    Here are some things to consider regarding telehubs:

    • Format: The telehub references an object on your Private Region or island. This can be any object, but generally it should be phantom and raised slightly off the ground (avatars arrive in the center of it). You can use any prim.
    • Movement: The telehub is saved as a bookmark to a specific object; it is not saved in the object itself. As a result, you may freely move your telehub object around; the telehub waypoint moves with it. However, if the object ever leaves the region (for example, you accidentally Return it or Take it to Inventory), the telehub waypoint is lost, and you need to create a new telehub.
    • Spawnpoints: You can create multiple spawnpoints for your telehub. Incoming residents arrive at one of the spawnpoints. To make spawnpoints:
      1. Create transparent cubes at each location you wish people to spawn.
      2. Place the telehub object in the middle.
      3. Save the spawnpoints and connect them to the telehub. Spawnpoints are saved as offsets of the telehub (i.e. "two meters west and one meter north of the telehub"). As such, the objects used to create the spawnpoints may be deleted (though the telehub must remain as always).
      • Moving the telehub moves all spawnpoints as a group.
      • Incoming visitors are routed to the nearest spawnpoint or to a random spawnpoint (especially when the nearest gets overcrowded) chosen from the points you designated.
    • Permissions: The estate owner, estate managers, or owners of a group to whom the land is deeded can always freely teleport around the estate.
    • Multi-region estates: Each region in an estate can have its own telehub. If you'd prefer to have one telehub that functions for all regions within an estate, you can try defining a single telehub in just one region on the estate and disabling Allow Direct Teleport at the estate level.

    Hosting large events

    Important: If you plan to host a large gathering on a Private Region, please give Linden Lab as much advance notice as possible. Provide the date, expected attendance, location, name of event, event sponsor and event manager.

    Keep the following technical considerations in mind:

    • The maximum number of avatars on a region can be set to 100, but best practice is to limit each region to 50. Remember to plan for crowd control. Adjust the number of avatars allowed on your region at one time by selecting World > Region/Estate and changing the number in the Agent Limit field on the Region tab.
    • Creating a group can be an effective way to manage Residents and sustain interaction beyond the event itself.
    • Linden Lab recommends considering a multiple-locations strategy for large events. This requires considering how to allocate avatars to the locations manually, via scripting, or by distributing different arrival locations. A four-corners strategy (to get about 200 avatars in one place) has drawbacks, since across-boundary info exchange and drawing will affect performance.
    • If this is your first event, you may want to work with a developer or someone who has already had experience managing large events.You can find developers in the Developer Directory. Event managers can be located through SLClassifieds or one of the many exchanges or periodicals that have grown up around Second Life.


    A covenant is a set of terms and conditions determined by an estate owner. It may outline such details as local theme, rental fees, architectural regulations, and rules of behavior in the Private Region. To purchase a parcel on an estate, a Resident must agree to the estate's covenant.

    You don't need to set a covenant to enable land sale on your estate, but you should do so if you plan to establish zoning or other rules.

    Covenants are viewable by the parcel owner at all times in the Covenant tabs of the About Land window and the REGION/ESTATE window.

    Setting the covenant

    To set or change the covenant for an estate, simply drop a new notecard into the Covenant box in the Covenant tab of the REGION/ESTATE window.


    • The covenant applies across every region in an estate.
    • Estate managers can set parcels for sale and can reset the covenant.
    • Land parcels can be reclaimed at any time by the estate owner.
    • Deselecting the land sales box does reset parcels already set for sale.

    Covenants and reselling land

    To allow Residents to sell or deed land they have purchased from you, select Allow Land Resell in the Region tab.

    Covenants and communication

    Covenants are intended to communicate the terms and conditions of owning property on your estate. Do not change the terms of a covenant without informing your Residents — you wouldn't want any service provider you pay to hold you to rules you didn't consent to in advance. Your covenant should be clearly written and include:

    • Features and benefits - Covenants are used for advertising. What makes your land valuable? Do you boast an exceptionally beautiful beach, or do you pride yourself on top-notch service?
    • Payment information - Many estate owners use rental boxes or other automated means to keep track of payments. Your payment system should be as straightforward as possible.
    • Code of conduct - What a renter can and cannot do.
    • Zoning or theming - For example, you can state that no stores are allowed in a residential area; or you can disallow futuristic-looking builds in your ancient Egypt-themed estate.
    • Best ways to communicate with you as the estate owner - If your instant messages easily get capped, make sure to include an email or web form where you can be reached. Some estate owners also delegate support to their estate managers or other staff.
    Tip: Communication is key! Make sure your renters can easily get in touch with you.

    Estate owners and managers are the final arbiters of the estate. Individual landowners (renters) on your estate may not directly request rollbacks or other technical support (such as restarts) but should contact you or your estate managers for those needs.

    Learn from existing covenants

    Visit Private Regions where estate owners already have covenants before you write your own.

    Tip: Many estate owners put their covenants on their websites, which are also used to promote their property. Try searching for phrases like "second life land rent covenant".
    1. In the Viewer, choose World > Search. The Second Life Search window opens.
    2. Choose Land & Rentals from the dropdown menu at the top and click Search (you may specify a keyword if you wish). A list of classified real estate ads appears.
    3. In the lefthand column, select For Sale, customize the Area and Price fields as desired, and choose Private Island - Full from the dropdown menu under Type. The filters update the listings automatically.
    4. Click on a listing to view more details. When you find a property that interests you, click Teleport.
    5. Once you arrive at the region, select World > About Land > COVENANT.
    6. Read the covenant to see if it contains anything useful. If yes, take notes. If not, move on.
    Warning: Do not plagiarize other estate owners' covenants. Be inspired, not lazy.

    Improving region performance

    Statistics Bar

    To gauge the performance of your region, check the region's Frames Per Second (FPS) in the Statistics Bar:

    1. Open the Advanced menu by selecting World > Show > Advanced Menu.
    2. While standing on your land, select Advanced > Performance Tools > Statistics Bar.

    Interpreting the Statistics Bar can be a bit overwhelming, so we'll guide you through the relevant parts here.


    To interpret the Sim FPS performance of your region:

    • 45 FPS: The highest possible value. No action necessary.
    • 35 - 44 FPS: This is good performance; if it never goes below 35 FPS, you don't need to tune if it.
    • 10 - 35 FPS: This is very slow, and should be noticeable. Adjustment is needed to improve your region's performance.
    • 0 - 10 FPS: This is terrible. You may have trouble moving or performing simple tasks. See above.

    To see more detail on what's slowing down your region, expand the Statistics Bar by clicking on the Time (ms) line; additional region statistics will appear:


    The Total Frame Time displays the number of milliseconds needed (ms) to display a single frame. Total Frame Time greater than 22.2 ms means your Sim FPS will be below 45 FPS. For a detailed explanation of the values beneath Total Frame Time, see the Statistics Bar KB article's Time's section. 

    Try these tips for improving performance in a region that is running slowly:

    • Having a large number of avatars in a region is the most common cause of low region FPS. Reduce the number of avatars by selecting World > Region/Estate and adjusting the number in the Agent Limit field to specify the number of avatars allowed in your region at any one time.
    • Reduce the number of prims on your region.
    • Reduce the number of objects on your region.
    • In the Statistics Bar, the Script Time line shows how many milliseconds each of the scripts in your region is taking to run. If this value is over 5 milliseconds, check to see which scripts are the busiest in your region by opening the Debug tab in your Region/Estate window and clicking Get Top Scripts. Once you know which scripts are consuming your region's resources, you can remove, replace or optimize them. Also, note that reducing the total number of scripts in your region can improve performance.
    • In the Statistics Bar, the Sim Time (Physics) line shows how many milliseconds your physics calculations are taking. If this value is over 4 milliseconds, check to see which colliders are the most active by opening the Debug tab in your Region/Estate window and clicking Get Top Colliders. Once you know which objects are your top colliders, you can remove, replace or optimize them.
    • Reduce the use of the following items, which slow down region performance: large or numerous textures; sculpted prims, twisted tori, and other geometrically complex objects; particle effects.

    Restarting Private Regions

    Region performance can degrade over time due to an accumulation of long-running scripts, physical objects, and object collisions. If your region has not been restarted recently, restarting it may provide a boost in performance. You can restart your regions from inside Second Life using the Region/Estate window, or from the Land Manager on the Second Life website.

    Restarting a region from inside Second Life

    To restart a region from inside Second Life:

    1. Go to the region you would like to restart.
    2. Choose World > Region/Estate from the top menu bar.
    3. In the Region/Estate window, click the Debug tab.
    4. Click the Restart Region button.
    5. A two minute countdown begins and all visitors to the region are notified that the region is about to restart. If you need to cancel the restart within the two minute countdown, click Cancel Restart to cancel the countdown.

    Restarting a region from the Land Manager

    To restart a region from the Second Life website:

    1. Visit the Land portal on the Second Life website. If you are not logged into the website, you are prompted for your credentials.
    2. On the left side of the page, click Land manager to expand the list of Land Manager pages.
    3. Click My Regions to see a list of your current Estates.
    4. Under My Estates, click the name of the Estate that contains your region.
    5. On the My Regions page, find the name of the region you would like to restart and click Restart or Safe Mode:
      • Restart - Begins a two minute countdown and notifies all visitors that the region is about to restart. Restarts initiated from the Land Manager cannot be canceled.
      • Safe mode - Restarting the region in Safe Mode causes it to come back online with scripts, physics, and collisions disabled, which will affect operation of content in the region until those features are manually re-enabled. Safe Mode persists through additional restarts of the region; the only way to return to normal operation is to manually re-enable scripts, physics, and collisions in the region using the Region/Estate window.

    Re-enabling scripts, physics, and collisions after restarting in Safe Mode

    To re-enable scripts, physics, and collisions after restarting in Safe Mode:

    1. Go to the region that is in Safe Mode.
    2. Choose World > Region/Estate from the top menu bar.
    3. In the Region/Estate window, click the Debug tab.
    4. Un-check the boxes for Disable ScriptsDisable Collisions, and Disable Physics, then click the Apply button.

    Scheduling Private Region Restarts

    Private region owners and estate managers may schedule recurring restarts for their regions from the Region Debug Console. Restarts will occur on the scheduled days within a 10 minute window at the specified scheduled time.

    As with most Region Debug Console commands, help region_schedule entered in the Region Debug console window will show a list of command variables available and a basic explanation of how to use the command.

    Scheduling Recurring Restarts from the Region Console

    Restarts may be scheduled to occur either every day at a particular time or only on particular days of the week. All times are specified in 24 hour UTC, sometimes referred to as 'military time' – so, 1:00 p.m. becomes 13:00, 2:00 p.m. becomes 14:00, etc.

    To schedule regular restarts: 

    • Open the Region Debug Console (World > Region/Estate > Debug tab > Region Debug Console button or the keyboard shortcut ctrl-shift-`)
    • At the prompt, enter the region_schedule options of your choice
    • For command assistance, type help region_schedule in the Region Debug console and hit enter
    • Some examples of region_schedule commands include:
      • region_schedule set restart daily <HH:MM>
      • region_schedule set restart weekly <days> <HH:MM>

    How to schedule daily restarts

    To schedule a daily restart on the region enter the following command:

    > region_schedule set restart daily <HH:MM>

    Where HH:MM is the time at which to restart in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).  So to restart the region daily at 6:00 a.m. Pacific (13:00 UTC) enter:

    > region_schedule set restart daily 13:00

    For an 11:00 p.m. Eastern (03:00 UTC) daily restart the command would be:

    > region_schedule set restart daily 3:00

    How to schedule weekly restarts

    For scheduling restarts on particular days of the week, the command takes the format:

    > region_schedule set restart weekly <days> <HH:MM>

    HH:MM is once again the time at which to restart in UTC in hours (HH) and minutes (MM).

    In the console command, days refers to a short sequence of letters which indicate which day of the week to restart the region, with each day represented by a unique single letter as follows:
    S = Sunday
    M = Monday
    T = Tuesday
    W = Wednesday
    R = Thursday
    F = Friday
    A = Saturday

    To schedule a restart on Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday at 4:30 a.m. SLT/Pacific, we first determine the UTC time (11:30am UTC). Thus, the command would look like:

    > region_schedule set restart weekly STR 11:30

    For restarts on Monday and Friday at 9:00 p.m. Eastern, we determine the UTC time (1:00am UTC) and the command looks like:

    > region_schedule set restart weekly TA 1:00


    Because the UTC timezone is ahead of Eastern time, scheduling a restart for late in the evening Eastern would be after midnight UTC, pushing the day of the week forward. At 9:00 p.m. in New York on Monday, it's 1 a.m. Tuesday in London.

    Checking the Region Restart Schedule

    To see currently scheduled region restarts, enter the command region_schedule in the Region Debug Console without any other text and hit enter. By default, the current restart schedule should be displayed.

    Clearing Scheduled Region Restarts

    To clear a region's scheduled restarts, use the unset command in the Region Debug Console.

    > region_schedule unset restart

    This will clear any scheduled restarts from the region. 

    Transferring Private Regions

    ✏️ Interested in buying or selling a private region from another Resident? The Land Forum at the Second Life Community Forums is a great place to find interested buyers and sellers of private regions.

    Linden Lab can perform Resident-to-Resident transfers of Private Regions (islands), but both buyer and seller need to agree on a price. Both buyer and seller must submit support tickets, via the Support Portal, naming the region to be transferred and the transaction amount agreed upon in Linden dollars (L$). Both sides also have to confirm other details about the region being transferred. We can rename the Private Region and move it from its original location at the time of the transfer for no additional cost. Please include these requests in the buyer's transfer ticket.

    Either party can cancel the transfer by closing out their ticket prior to the transfer being performed.

    Important: If the buyer's payment fails for any reason, then the transfer is cancelled and no action is taken. Both Second Life accounts must be in good standing for the transfer to take place.

    Here's how to submit a ticket:

    1. Go to the Support Portal and log in with your Second Life account.
    2. Open a new support case.
    3. Under What type of problem are you having? select Land & Region.
    4. Under Land & Region, choose Initiate Region Sale or Initiate Region Purchase as appropriate.
    5. Complete the other required fields. The information must be consistent for both the buyer and seller tickets.
    6. When all the details have been entered, scroll to the bottom and click Submit.

    If both tickets match (that is, they state the same details and value), we charge the buyer's Second Life account in Linden dollars (L$). Once the charge goes through, we credit the seller the same amount minus the transfer fee.

    Private Region transfers usually take 5-10 business days from the time both tickets are received.

    Transfer fees

    There is a transfer fee per region, debited from the seller's account, which pays for backend work by Linden Lab, including:

    • Changing estate ownership settings
    • Billing transfer
    • Region name change
    • Moving the region

    Transfer fees are set in USD, though they may be paid in L$ as shown by the table below. The L$ Transfer Fee cost may be updated from time to time based on the changing LindeX Market Rate. The transfer fee amount depends upon the type of region being transferred, and whether it will maintain its grandfathered pricing status, if applicable: 

    Region Type Keep Grandfathered Pricing? USD Transfer Fee L$ Transfer Fee
    Full Island Yes $300 L$78,000
    Full Island No $100 L$26,000
    Homestead Island Yes $150 L$39,000
    Homestead Island No $100 L$26,000
    Openspace Island Not Applicable $100 L$26,000

    Monthly billing

    The new owner assumes the monthly billing, which is charged on the same day of the month as always. Private Regions, unlike the mainland, bill for the coming month. If the Private Region bills on the 12th of the month, it will continue to bill on the 12th of the month. This means that if the Private Region is transferred on the 14th, the current owner pays for that month. If the Private Region is transferred on the 10th, the new owner pays the fee for the month.

    Moving and renaming Private Regions

    Pricing for Private Region Management Services

    If you own one or more private regions in Second Life, there are several special services you may occasionally need, such as region moves and region name changes. The fees for these services depend on the number of private regions you own; please refer to the following chart to determine the cost of each service:

    Private Region Fee Chart 3.png


    To request one of these services, please submit a case through the support portal on the Second Life website.  Additional information on how to move and rename private regions can be found in the next sections.

    Renaming a Private Region

    To initiate the renaming process, submit a support case stating that you would like to change your region's name and that you accept the fee.

    The new name must comply with the Guidelines for Private Region Naming. Private region names are granted at the sole discretion of Linden Lab.

    Moving a Private Region

    Private region owners can request to move a region to another location on the World Map, subject to availability. Certain areas of the World Map are reserved for special purposes, including the mainland and themed expansions provided by Linden Lab.

    If you would like to move your region adjacent to another Resident's region, they must allow you as a neighbor in our system prior to your request for the region move.  Note that your private region cannot be rotated, so what is currently North will always be North.

    The fee for moving a region is charged for each private region, for any movement.

    Note: Moving your private region causes links made from the Picks tab of the Profile window to become inaccurate.

    Landmarks continue to function after a move, but home locations may need to be reset. The World Map may take several hours to update with the new Private Region location.

    Land impact change

    It is possible for you to increase the amount of land impact that your Private Region can support.

    Increasing land impact

    Private Region owners have the option to upgrade full Private Regions from 20,000 to 30,000 prims.  This option is only available for full Private Regions.  Mainland regions, in addition to private Homestead and Openspace regions, are not eligible to upgrade land impact.

    Pricing for land impact changes

    The cost to upgrade a full Region to 30,000 prims is $30 USD per region at the time the upgrade is performed, plus an additional monthly maintenance fee of $30 USD per region.  If a region's land impact is upgraded, you must maintain the upgraded status for at least one calendar month.

    If you choose to downgrade a Private Region back to 20,000 prims, a charge of $30 USD per region applies at the time of the downgrade.

    No pro-rating or discounts are permitted for any of the costs listed above.

    Requesting land impact changes

    To request an upgrade or downgrade of land impact, please submit a case through the portal on the Second Life website under the case type Land & Region > Land Impact Change Request.

    Backing up and restoring Private Region terrain

    If you own a Private Region, you can back up your region's terraformed terrain to a texture file on your computer and use that file to restore your region's terrain to its saved shape. This is a great safety net in case you experience a terraforming accident, and it is also useful if you want to apply the same terrain to multiple regions you own.

    To access the terrain backup and restore controls, choose World > Region/Estate in the Second Life Viewer®, and click the Terrain tab. Then:

    To backup your terrain

    1. Click Download RAW terrain.
    2. A file browser dialog appears. Choose a location to save to and give your terrain file a specific name so it's easier to find.
    3. Click Save.
    4. Next, you see: "Terrain file written, starting download." The download process may take several minutes. Do not leave the region, and don't make any other terraforming changes until the download completes!
    5. When the download completes, you see: "Finished download of raw terrain file to:" and the directory it was saved to.
    6. Click Close.

    To restore your terrain

    1. Click Upload RAW terrain.
    2. Select a .raw terrain file on your hard drive that you or someone else saved earlier.
    3. Click Open (or Choose on Mac).
    4. You see: "Upload started." It may take up to two minutes, depending on your connection speed.
    5. When the upload is complete, you see: "Terrain upload done." The terrain changes to the contents of the .raw file.

    If you would rather not terraform the region yourself, you can purchase terrains on Marketplace.  You can upload these as described above to get great results fast.

    Allowing neighbors

    If you own an estate in the Second Life® world, you can allow others to buy land in spaces that are directly next to the land you own. You can specify Residents in the Allowed Neighbors list for each region in your estates.

    For example: Joe Resident and Helen Resident are friends who own their own estates and want to be able to buy land in the Land Portal next to each other. Joe's estate, Joegalaxy, contains a Private Region called Joetopolis. In the Land Portal's Estate Management tab, Joe can specify that Helen is an allowed neighbor for Joetopolis. Helen can now use the Land Portal to buy Private Regions that are next to Joetopolis, including spaces that only share a corner with Joetopolis. To specify a Resident you want to be able to buy land next to yours:

    1. Log into the Land Portal.
    2. Click Land Manager > My Regions.
    3. Select the estate for which you want to specify allowed neighbors.
    4. In the Allowed Neighbors column, click the edit link for a specific region.
    5. Type the name of the Resident you want to allow as a neighbor into the text field and click add.
    6. Click close. The Resident you specified can now buy land next to that region.

    To remove a Resident from the Allowed Neighbors list for a Region:

    1. Log into the Land Portal.
    2. Click Land Manager > My Regions.
    3. Select the estate for which you want to specify allowed neighbors.
    4. In the Allowed Neighbors column, click the edit link for a specific region.
    5. Click the X next to the name of the Resident you want to remove.
    6. Click close. The Resident you specified can no longer buy land next to that region

    Be aware that adding and removing other Residents to your Allowed Neighbors list can result in some interesting circumstances. Consider the following example:

    • Joe Resident adds Helen Resident to the Allowed Neighbors list for his Private Region Joetopolis.
    • Helen Resident buys a Private Region next to Joetopolis and names it Helen City.

    Now, suppose...

    • Joe wants to buy a Private Region next to Joetopolis that also shares a corner or side with Helen City. Joe can't actually do this unless Helen adds Joe to the Allowed Neighbors list for Helen City.
    • Joe removes Helen from the Allowed Neighbors list for Joetopolis. Now neither Joe nor Helen can buy a Private Region that shares a corner or side with Joetopolis or Helen City.
    • Joe removes Helen from the Allowed Neighbors list for Joetopolis, and Helen adds Joe to the Allowed Neighbors list for Helen City. Now only Joe can buy a Private Region that shares a corner or side with Helen City.

    Land sales in Private Regions

    The mechanics of buying and selling land in a Private Region is very similar to the process used on the mainland, however there are a few key differences to keep in mind.



    • Parcels in Private Regions are governed by covenants.
    • If you buy land in a Private Region, it does not count against your land use tier, but the owner of the Private Region may charge you a similar fee for continuing use of the land.
    • The Private Region owner may evict you from your parcel in a Private Region at any time. Private Region owners have absolute power over their estates and are within their rights to reclaim land as they see fit. Make sure to read your region's covenant closely for terms of use before you buy your parcel.
    • Private Region owners control access to their land (using the Region/Estate window), for example by restricting access to Residents based on payment status or by setting region maturity to Parcel_lght_G.png General, Parcel_lght_M.png Moderate, or Parcel_lght_A.png Adult.
    Tip: If a region owner changes the maturity setting for their region, it may have an effect on who can access your parcel and view search listings made from it. Read the region covenant and communicate with the region owner (or estate manager where applicable) to avoid any disruptions to your parcel settings or access.

    Reclaiming land parcels from tenants

    If one of your tenants has violated the terms of your covenant and you wish to evict him and reclaim his land in your Private Region, you can choose the Reclaim Land... button from the ABOUT LAND window:

    Reclaiming land switches ownership of the parcel, but not the objects on it, back to the estate owner.

    Private Region auto-saves and restores (rollbacks)

    Note: We don't perform rollbacks on mainland regions.

    All regions, including your estate, are automatically backed up at regular intervals throughout the day; we hold several days' worth of these backup states. This saves everything about your estate: the terrain, the land parcels, the builds, the textures and settings. The only things not saved are avatars themselves.

    This means that under certain circumstances, your region can be rolled back to a previous state. In the event of an emergency, a region owner can request a rollback via the Concierge service. Performing a rollback can have serious consequences and should therefore not be thought of as an "Undo" feature on your estate; rather, it's a safety mechanism to be used only when something goes very badly wrong.

    Rollbacks are performed at our discretion.

    Requesting a rollback

    Rollbacks must be requested via support ticket and can only be requested by the estate owner or estate manager.

    As of June 23, 2022, region rollback requests will incur a $25 USD fee per rollback.

    Generally, regions can be rolled back a maximum of 72 hours before the original event; please be aware that we cannot roll back indefinitely. The longer you wait before requesting the rollback, the greater the chance that we will be unable to help you, so please make the request as soon as the problem occurs.

    Please explain:

    • What has happened.
    • Why you need the rollback.
    • Which region it is.
    • Precisely how far back in time you need to go to repair the situation.
    Tip: It helps if you provide the time in 24 hour format. Please use Pacific time (also called Second Life Time or SLT), not your local time.

    If you are a region owner or a region estate manager, you can request a rollback by submitting a ticket through the Support Portal. Log in (if prompted) and choose Land & Region from the What type of problem are you having? dropdown menu. Specify Request a rollback in the second dropdown and fill out the form below.

    Rollback requests are processed in the order they are received, with emergency requests taking precedent. Please note that rollbacks that are not time sensitive may take up to 2 business days to process.


    The backups taken are exact copies of the state of the region at the exact moment it was saved.

    We cannot roll back inventory or avatars.

    When we perform a rollback, we set the estate back to the exact state it was in when the backup was made. All changes — everything that has happened between the moment the save happened and now — are lost, undone or reset.

    It is very important to understand what this means before you request a rollback. Some examples of unexpected consequences of a rollback include:

    • People who are banned become unbanned for all parcels and the estate itself.
    • People granted access suddenly find they are banned.
    • Any land parcel changes are undone.
    • Land sold or abandoned to tier down reverts to the prior owner, potentially pushing that person back over the new tier.
    • Residents lose any land purchased after the backup, along with any content on that land.
    • Recently edited parcel layouts revert to their prior form.
    • Objects placed (rezzed) inworld after the backup are lost. No-copy objects are lost for good.
    • Conversely, no-copy objects rezzed at the time of the backup but subsequently taken back into your Inventory reappear where they were.
    Warning: Deliberate use of rollbacks to obtain additional copies of no-copy content can be considered abuse and is dealt with accordingly.
    • Any changes to builds themselves are undone: textures are reverted and prims reset to the state they were in at the moment the backup was taken. This may mean that recent tenants lose their prefab or their furniture and that new sale items disappear.
    • Any terraforming that has been done is undone and any recent changes to land textures are lost.
    • Script changes to objects performed after the backup point are lost. Scripted vendors that updated with new content after the backup have those changes removed.

    As you can see, rollbacks have significant repercussions and should only be requested when absolutely necessary.

    Canceling a private region

    If you no longer wish to own your private region, you have a couple of options:

    • You may transfer ownership of the Private Region to another Resident. This requires both you and the buyer to enter support tickets with certain details about the transaction. See Transferring Private Regions for more details on the transfer process, cost, and timeframe.
    • You may abandon your Private Region to Linden Lab. There is no fee to do so. No refunds will be given, and you will have the use of your region until the end of the current billing cycle. You need to notify the Concierge staff of your intention by submitting a ticket.
      1. Go to the Support Portal and click New Ticket Submission.
      2. In the Ticket Type dropdown, select Land and Region Issues.
      3. In the Region Request dropdown, select Region Cancellation Request.
      4. Fill out the requested details, and at the bottom, click Finish to submit the ticket.

    You can see billing dates and fees for all of your Private Regions at the Land Portal. If your Private Region fees are invoiced, you can see the date your billing cycle ends by logging into your Netsuite account.

    Note: If your next billing date falls within 5 business days of when you submit the ticket, please notify Concierge by phone or chat, so that you will not be billed automatically. Provide your ticket number in that conversation.

    When your ticket is processed, you'll receive a response indicating that the region will be taken offline on its next billing date and that you will not be charged any further maintenance fees. Please pick up or return any content on the region; any inventory remaining after the billing date will be deleted.

    Grandfathered pricing

    Some older regions have "grandfathered" or discounted pricing on their monthly maintenance fees.  In February 2010, it was announced that these grandfathered maintenance fees would no longer be offered and that changing ownership or converting a grandfathered region would change its maintenance fee to the current monthly rate for its region type.  As of November, 2015, you may now transfer grandfathered-priced Regions in accordance with the transfer pricing schedule.

    We are unable to swap the price of a current grandfathered region with a non-grandfathered region. Grandfathered pricing stays with the region for the life of the region or until it is transferred or converted.


    If a grandfathered region is abandoned and subsequently reactivated, its maintenance fee is updated to the current monthly rate for its region type.

    Region environment settings

    Region environment settings provide region managers the ability to customize the environment settings for their region. For example, a gothic castle might have a dark and gloomy environment, or a tropical island might be always bright and sunny. Residents who enter the region automatically see those settings unless they have chosen personal overrides.

    You may also see this feature referred to by its old name, Windlight Environment Settings.

    Environment settings control how you see the water and the sky (including the air around you) in Second Life. When you enter a region, by default you see the environment settings that have been configured for that region. If no region-specific settings have been configured, you see the default Second Life environment.

    The environment controls provide some sample pre-defined settings, but you can create your own settings and either use them as personal settings or apply them to any region for which you are an estate manager.

    For more information on setting a region's environment, visit the Environment editor page of our KnowledgeBase.

    Region boundaries

    The environment you see depends on the region you are in at the time. If adjacent regions have different environment settings, any parts of the adjacent region you can see still appear with the environment settings of the region you are looking from. When you cross a boundary into a region with different settings, the environment transitions smoothly over a few seconds to the new local settings.


    When you teleport into a region, there may be a brief period during which you see your previous environment or the default environment before the local environment settings are established.

    Setting region maturity

    Maturity ratings designate the type of content and behavior allowed in a region and affect search results.

    There are three maturity ratings in Second Life: Parcel_lght_G.pngGeneralParcel_lght_M.pngModerate, and Parcel_lght_A.pngAdult.

    To access Adult search results and regions, you must be at least 18 years old.  For more information on how to access adult content, see Accessing Adult land and content.

    Note: Regardless of maturity rating, all content in Second Life must abide by our content guidelines. For the official content guidelines, including examples of prohibited content, please see Content Guidelines.

    To set your region's maturity rating: 

    • Open the World > Region/Estate > Region tab
    • From the Rating dropdown menu, select General, Moderate, or Adult
    • Click Apply

    For more information about maturity ratings in Second Life, see Maturity ratings.


    Edited by Maggie Linden
    Scheduling private region restarts

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